Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dinner at California Adventure. Left to Right Mike M., Brittany, Ali, Janna, Me, and Mike J.

Everyone at Disneyland.... Nice and Dark...

Oh no... *runs* She heard me say the speed line.

Wow... Ali... lay off the speed...

"If you don't stop taking pictures I'm going to come up there and take that camera!"

Janna hides from my camera and Aaron looking confused that she stopped cuddling with him.

Ali... what's wrong? You didn't want the bright flash to be aimed at you?

The cuddle buns caught in action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liero and I try and get the Texas guy to go bi. In this pic he looks it... you should have seen it a few minutes later when Liero was hugging him back. ^^ Bi guys are so hot...

Me and Liero... and that guy... yep, I look awful, and yep, there is that same zit 3 weeks later. I wanna say this, that thing is persistant.

This is a guy Liero/Jeff and I befriended on Tuesday. He's from Texas. We are gonna convert him to furrydom. Just watch us ;)

This is Mal, he is a friend of mine from an MIRC channel, but also he goes to my college, he's cool. You should all read his webcomic(ask me for the link).

Some flowers, I was waiting around for my friends to show up at Boomers.

This is abby, my doggie, isn't she kawaii no

Main street right before we left.

The roof somewhere along the way on the Indiana Jones ride line.

Evan, what's wrong? Wait, that is my eye. Dang I suck at taking pics of myself and people. and there is the wall of Indiana Jones, we were in that hell hole waiting in line to go on that ride for HOURS. Dang whomever decided to put 7k HSers in DisneyLand at once, they broke all the good rides repeatedly *growls*

Oh, don't I look horrid? stupid zit... I'de scare some of you if I told you how I got it. I blame someone for it. Ali, I think this passes as the worst pic of us to date.

Me and Ali in front of this cool wave thing, it was reallyn pretty... and Ali's shoulder is really soft.

Ali and I getting squirted by some clams @ California Adveture, Mike J. took this pic ^^

Look, an arcade.... unfortunetly there was no DDR :( the only arcade with DDR was in Futureland or whatever

Janna, Mike, Brittany, Mike and Emalyn right before we left....